Engines < 2 litre/cylinder (produced post 1974)
Engine Number Guide:
Example: | PJ 12345 U 123456P | |
Engine family type code | PJ | 1106D-E66TA |
Parts list number or SOS order reference number | 12345 | |
Country of manufacture code | U | UK |
Engine serial number | 123456 | |
Year of manufacture code | P | 2007 |
Year of manufacture Code: This code indicates the calendar year of manufacture. The letters I, O, Q, R and Z will not be used.
A 1974 | L 1984 | Y 1994 | K 2003 |
B 1975 | M 1985 | A 1995 | L 2004 |
C 1976 | N 1986 | B 1996 | M 2005 |
D 1977 | P 1987 | C 1997 | N 2006 |
E 1978 | S 1988 | D 1998 | P 2007 |
F 1979 | T 1989 | E 1/1/99-31/3/99 | R/S 2008 |
G 1980 | U 1990 | F 1/4/99-31/12/99 | T 2009 |
H 1981 | V 1991 | G 2000 | |
J 1982 | W 1992 | H 2001 | |
K 1983 | X 1993 | J 2002 |
Country of manufacture code: This code indicates the country in which the basic engine was manufactures.
A Argentina | H Group | L Italy | SA South Africa |
B Brazil | HC China | M Mexico | T Turkey |
C Australia | HM Indonesia | MX Mexico | U UK |
D Germany | HK Iraq | N USA | V Pakistan |
E Spain | HU Uruguay | P Poland | W Iran |
F France | J Japan | R China | X Peru |
G Greece | K Korea | S India | Y Yugoslavia |
Engine Type | Position | Engine Type | Position | Engine Type | Position |
3.152 | M | 4236 | C or L | V8.640 | P |
4.108 | A | 4.318 | F | 700/800 Series | K |
4.154/200 Series | B | 4.41 | H | Perama/100/400 Series | O |
4.165 | B or G | 6.247 | C or F | Prima/500 Series | E |
4.203 | J or N | 6.354 | D | Phaser/1000/1100(A/B/C) Series | H or J |
4.212/4.248/900 Series | C | V8540 | Q | 1104D | S |
1106D including PK | R | Peregrine/1300 Series | I or O |
Engine family and type code:
A Phaser / 1004 Series | 900 Series | H 4.165 Series | N 4.318 Series | TK C6.3542 | WL 1306-E76TA |
AA 1004-4 | CP 903-27 | HA 4.165 | NC 4.318 | TP T6.3543 | WM 1306-E87T |
AB 1004-4T | CR 903-27T | 400C Series | ND 4.3182 | TR 6.372 | WN 1306-E87TA |
AC 1004-4T | CS 903-25 | HB 402C-05 | 1104D Series | TT TC6.3541 | WN 1306-E87TA |
AD 1004e-4TW | CT 903-27S | HD 403C-07 | NH 1104D-E44T | TU T6.3544 | WQ 1306-E76TA |
AE Fed. CC | D 1103C Series | HH 403C-11 | NJ 1104D-E44TA | TV 6.3724 | WR1306-E87T |
AF 1004-40S | DC 1103C-33 | HL403C-15 | NK1104D-44 | TW 6.3544 | WS 1306-E87TA |
AG 1004-4 | DD 1103C-33T | HM 403C-17 | NL 1104D-44T | TX C6.3544 | X V8.540 Series |
AH 1004-4T | DE 1103C-33TA | HN404C-15 | NM 1104D-44TA | TY H6.3544 | XA V8.510 |
New 1000 Series | 1103B Series | HP 404C-22 | P 1106D Series | TZ HT6.3544 | XB TV8.510 |
AJ 1004-40 | DF 1103B-33 | HR 404C-22T | PJ 1106D-E66TA | U 700 Series | XC V8.540 |
AK 1004-40T | DG 1103B-33T | J 4.203 Series | PK 1106C-E66TA | UA 704-30 | XE TV8.540 |
AL 1004-40TA | 1103A Series | JD 4.203
| R 6.247 Series | UB 704-26 | 1103D Series |
AM 1004-40T | DJ 1103A-33 | JE D4.203 | RA 6.247 | UC 704-30 | XG 1103D-E33 |
AP 1004-40 | DK 1103A-33T | JF G4.203 | 1104C Series | 800 Series | XH 1103D-E33T |
AQ 1004-40T | E 4.108 Series | JG 4.2032 | RE 1104C-44 | UE 804C-33 | XJ 1103D-E33TA |
AR 1004-42 | ED 4.108 | K Perama/100 Series | RF 1104C-E44 | UF 804C-33T | XK 1103D-33 |
AS 1004-42 | G 4.154/200 Series | KD 103.10 | RG 1104C-44T | 800D Series | XL1103D-33T |
AT 1004-40TA | GA 4.154 | KE 103.15 | RH 1104C-E44T | UK 804D-33 | XM 1103D-33TA |
B Prima/500 Series | GB 4.135 | KF 104.19 | RJ 1104C-44TA | UL 804D-33T | Y Phaser / 1006 Series |
BA 504-2 | GC4.182 | KH 103.13 | RK 1104C-E44TA | UM 804D-33TA | YA 1006-6 |
BB 504-2T | GD 4.25 | KL 103.07 | 1104A Series | V 1106C Series | YB 1006-6T |
C 3.152 Series | GE4.3 | KN 102.05 | RR 1104A-44 | VK 1106C-E60TA | YC 1006-6T |
CA P3 | 400D Series | KR 104.22 | RS 1104A-44T | W1300 Series Peregrine | YD1006e – 6TW |
CB 3.144 | GG 402D-05 | KS 103.11 | RT 1104A-44TA | WB 1306-8T | YE Fed.CC |
CC P3.144 | GH 403D-07 | L 4.236 Series | SD Sabre CC6.68 | WC 1306-8TA | YF 1006-60S |
CD 3.152 | GJ 403D-11 | LA 4.212 | T 6.354 Series | WD 1306-7T | New 1000 Series |
CE D3.152 | GK 403D-15 | LD 4.236 | TC 6.354 | WE1306-7TA | YG 1006-60 |
CF G3.152 | GL 403D-15T | LE G4.236 | TD H6.354 | WF 1306-8T NGD | YH 1006-60T |
CG P3.152 | GM 404D-15 | LF 4.248 | TE T6.354 | WG 1306-8TA NGD | YJ 1006-60TA |
CJ 3.1522 | GN404D-22 | LG4.2482 | TF HT6.354 | WH1306-9T NGD | YK1006-60TW |
CM 3.1524 | GP 404D-22T | LH C4.236 | TG 6.3541 | WJ 1306-9TA NGD | Z V8.640 Series |
CN T3.1524 | GR 404D-22TA | LJ T4.236 | TH T6.3541 | 1300 Series Edi | ZA V8.640 |
GS 403D-17 | LM 4.41 | TJ 6.3542 | WK 1306-E76T | ZB TV8.640 |
A Air to air charge cooling | E Electronic | H Horizontal | T Turbocharged |
C Compensated | F Federal emissions | N Narrow front end | U Unit injection |
CC Charged colled | FF Federal | P Timing chain | V V form |
D Direct Injection | G Gasoline/gas | S Spark ignition | W Water to air charge cooling |
Large engines (produced post 1994)
From the 1st January 2008 the engine numbering format for the 2000 and 4000 Series engine range changed. The two numbers used previously to determine the number of cylinders per engine have been replaced by one letter. The following letters will define the number of cylinders:
- 6 Cylinder engine F will replace 06
- 8 Cylinder engine H will replace 08
- 12 Cylinder engine M will replace 12
- 16 Cylinder engine R will replace 16
2000 Series Electronic (Stafford) Engine number guide A 2000 Series electronic engine (Stafford) looks like this: FG A 06 0019 U 0178 P
Engine application: FG Country of manufacture: U Engine family and type code: A Build line number: 0178 Number of cylinders: 06 Year of manufacture: P Engine specification number: 0019
Engine family and type codes 2206 Series
Build list ID pre Jan 2009 | Build list ID from Jan 2009 | Product type |
N/A | TGBF | 2206TAG2 (13 litre) |
N/A | TGDF | 2206TAG3 (13 litre) |
N/A | TGFF | 2206TAG5 (13 litre) |
N/A | TGHF | 2206TAG6 (13 litre) |
Engine family and type codes 2300 Series
Build list ID pre Jan 2008 | Build list ID from Jan 2008 | Product type |
FGA06 | FGAF | 2306TAG1 (14 litre) |
FGB06 | FGBF | 2306TAG2 (14 litre) |
FGD06 | FGDF | 2306TAG3 (14 litre) |
Engine family and type codes 2500 Series
Build list ID pre Jan 2008 | Build list ID from Jan 2008 | Product type |
MGA06 | MGAF | 2506tag1 (15 litre) |
MGB06 | MGBF | 2506TAG2 (15 litre) |
MGD06 | MGDF | 2506TAG3 (15 litre) |
MGE06 | MGEF | 2506TAG4 (15 litre) |
Engine family and type codes 2800 Series
Build list ID pre Jan 2008 | Build list ID from Jan 2008 | Product type |
HGA06 | N/A | 2806TAG1 (16 litre) |
HGB06 | N/A | 2806TAG2 (16 litre) |
JGA06 | JGAF | 2806TAG1 (A) (18 litre) |
JGB06 | JGBF | 2806TAG2 (18 litre) |
JGD06 | JGDF | 2806TAG3 (18 litre) |
2000/3000 Series Mechanical (Shrewsbury) Engine number guide A 2000/3000 Series engine numbers looks like this: SG A 06 0010 U 0001 Y
Engine application: SG Country of manufacture: U Engine family and type code: A Build line number: 0001 Number of cylinders: 06 Year of manufacture: Y Engine specification number: 0010
Engine family and type codes 2000/3000 Series
Family: SA Automotive | Family: SA Automotive | Family: SF Forklift | Family: SF Forklift |
SAA | 300TX | SFA | T1 |
SAB | 320MX | SFB | T2 |
SAC | 335TX | SFC | TA |
SAE | 350E | SFD | TW |
SAG | 375TX | Family: SG Genset | Family: SG Genset |
SAJ | 340TX2 | SGA | TAGIA |
SAK | 380TX2 | SGB | TAG2 |
SAL | 410TX2 | SGC | TAG2A |
Family: SB Short Block | Family: SB Short Block | SGD | TAG3A |
SBA | TX | SGE | TAG4 |
SBB | 2000 Series | SGF | TG |
SBC | 3008 Series | SGG | TGIA |
SBD | 3012 Series | SGH | TG2A |
Family: SL Long Engine | Family: SL Long Engine | SFJ | TTAG |
SLA | TX/EURO 2 | SGK | TWG2 |
SLB | 2000 Series | SGL | TAG |
SLC | 3008 Series | SGM | TAG5 |
SLD | 3012 Series | Family: SH Horizontal | Family: SH Horizontal |
SLE | 3008 Marine | SHA | TWH |
SLG | 3008/3012SL | Family: SP Plant | Family: SP Plant |
Family: SI Gas | Family: SI Gas | SPA | T |
SIA | SI | SPB | T1 |
SIB | SI Gas Unit | SPC | T2 |
SID | TSI Gas Unit | SPE | TAP |
SIF | TWSI Gas Unit | SPK | TTA |
Family: SM Marine | Family: SM Marine | SPL | TTAP |
SMA | M600T1 | SPM | TW |
SMB | M700T1 | SPP | TW1 |
SMC | M800T1 |
4000 Series Diesel Engine number guide A 4000 Series engine numbers looks like this: DGB 06 0081 U 0017 B
Stafford D United Kingdom U Application code (Genset) G 17th engine this year 0017 Engine Type B Year letter (B = 1996) B Engine Number of cylinders 06
Fixed bill number (0000 means configures product) 0081
Engine family and type codes 4006 Series
Build list ID pre Jan 2008 | Build list ID from Jan 2008 | Product type |
DGA06 | N/A | 4006 TAG1 |
DGB06 | DGBF | 4006 / 4006-23 TAG2 (A) |
DGD06 | DGDF | 4006 / 4003-23 TAG3 (A) |
DGM06 | N/A | 4006TWG |
DGP06 | N/A | 4006TEG |
Engine family and type codes 4008 Series
Build list ID pre Jan 2008 | Build list ID from Jan 2008 | Product type |
DGL08 | DGLH | 4008TAG |
DGA08 | DGAH | 4008TAG1 (A) |
DGB08 | DGBH | 4008TAG2 (A) |
DGK08 | N/A | 4008TWG2 |
Engine family and type codes 4012 Series
Build list ID pre Jan 2008 | Build list ID from Jan 2008 | Product type |
DGL12 | N/A | 4012 TAG |
DGA12 | DGAM | 4012 / 4012-46 TAG1 (A) |
DGB12 | DGBM | 4012 / 4012-46 TAG2 (A) |
DGD12 | DGDM | 4012-46 TAG3 (A) |
DGM12 | N/A | 4012 TWG |
DGK12 | DGKM | 4012 / 4012-46 TWG2 (A) |
DGN12 | DGNM | 4012-46 TWG3 (A) |
N/A | DGVM | 4012-46 TWG4 (A) |
DGP12 | N/A | 4012TEG |
DGR12 | N/A | 4012TEG2 |
Engine family and type codes 4016 Series
Build list ID pre Jan 2008 | Build list ID from Jan 2008 | Product type |
DGL16 | DGLR | 4016 TAG |
DGA16 | DGAR | 4016 TAG1 (A) |
DGB16 | DGBR | 4016 TAG2 (A) |
DGK16 | DGKR | 4016TWG2 |
DGR16 | DGRR | 4016TEG1/2 (A) |
4000 Series Gas
Engine family and type codes 4006 Series
Build list ID pre Jan 2008 | Build list ID from Jan 2008 | Product type |
DIE06 | DIEF | 4006TESI |
DIF06 | DIFF | 4006TESI |
DIH06 | DIHF | 4006TRS |
DIJ06 | DIJF | 4006TRS |
Engine family and type codes 4008 Series
Build list ID pre Jan 2008 | Build list ID from Jan 2008 | Product type |
DIE08 | DIEH | 4008TESI |
DIF08 | DIFH | 4008TESI |
DIH08 | DIHH | 4008TRS |
DIJ08 | DIJH | 4008TRS |
Engine family and type codes 4012 Series
Build list ID pre Jan 2008 | Build list ID from Jan 2008 | Product type |
DIE12 | DIEM | 4012TESI |
DIF12 | DIFM | 4012TESI |
Engine family and type codes 4016 Series
Build list ID pre Jan 2008 | Build list ID from Jan 2008 | Product type |
DIE16 | DIER | 4016TESI |
DIF16 | DIFR | 4016 TESI |
DIG16 | DIGR | 4016E61-TRS |
N/A | DIHR (Build list ID from Jan 2009) | 4016TRS |
N/A | DIJR (Build list ID from Jan 2009) | 4016TRS |
61 Capacity in litres | E External water circuit | I Intercooled | S (SI) Spark ignition |
A Air to air | E* Electronic | M Marine | T Turbocharged |
CHP Combined heat and power | G Genset | R Remote cooled | W Water |
Shrewsbury product (produced pre 1994)
Engine number guide A 2000/3000 Series engine numbers look like this: 8 C 27655 U 88900 W
Engine family and type code: 8C Build line number: 88900 Country of manufacture: U Year of manufacture: W Engine specification number: 27655
Engine family and type codes
8BT, 8CTA, 8DTW | Eagle |
8CTA | Eagle TX |
8BT, 8 CTA/TTA, 8DTW, 8ESI, 8GTW-H | 2000 Series |
4AT, 4BTA, 4ESI | 3008 / CV8 |
4CTi | Condor Marine |
6ATA, 6CTW, 6DT, 6ESI | 3012 / CV12 |
Engine Type | Position |
Eagle/2000 Series | R |
3008 Series | T |
3012 Series | S |
2300/2500/2800 Series | W |
4006/4008 Series | U |
4012/4016 Series | V OR X |