A droop kit is essential to be able to run multiple generators together. It is becoming common practice to install a number of smaller sized standby or primary power generator sets rather than a single large machine. Efficient operation of parallel sets requires synchronisation and load balancing as well as operating at the optimum load point. Modern control equipment has made it easier to meet these requirements when operating machines in parallel.
Benefits of operating generators with a droop kit
Having a number of smaller generators is firstly a cost effective way of providing the necessary power to the plant. Smaller generators cost less than a single large generator. It also ensures that there will always be a power generator even if there is a breakdown. It ensures availability at all times and will handle variable loads efficiently while allowing maintenance to take place without disrupting the power supply. Efficient operation of parallel sets requires synchronisation and load balancing as well as operating machines at the optimum load point. Should a unit fail there are others to take up the load and the plant will operate just as efficiently.
Advantages of fitting a droop kit
When sizing generators to match load requirements it is difficult to accurately project increases in load and adequately plan for anticipated additional requirements. Operating systems in parallel makes it easier to add further units as required and to allow for variations in load without overrunning the budget or accumulating expensive units that are infrequently used. All machines need regular maintenance and having a single large generator means that there will be times when it is off line. With a droop kit and parallel sets the maintenance can take place without power interruptions and will through regular proper maintenance ensure the longevity of the generators. Individual units operating in parallel are the perfect way to balance power requirements by providing a high degree of reliability and a low cost per unit of power. Using a droop kit can enhance your power supply while cutting down on cost. Order your 45-0691 Droop kit from Generator Parts today.
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